Chester Clean Sweeps

On Saturday, July 25th, more than 30 folks from Chester and other Delco neighbors participated in the 3 rd day of Chester Clean Sweeps to clean up Chester one street at a time. Before celebrating their accomplishments at a park with cooling water ice, folks grabbed their masks, gloves, shovels, rakes, and trash bags to remove trash from Chester neighborhoods.

Three young Chester women, who lead non-profits, have organized this effort to bring back pride in their city. Uplifting Chester, Unapologetically Speaking, and A.C.E.O are all working together to improve the quality of life in the city they call home.

The next opportunity to join with folks from UUCDC in this great community event is August 8th. Thank you,  Bill Clinton, Sayre Dixon, Ruth Hendry, Jennifer Oglesbee, Sue and Bob Redfern for your hard work. Check the UUCDC website and FB page for details for the August 8th meeting place. For more information, contact Ruth Hendry.